Sedation Dentistry

Extreme dental anxiety can keep you from receiving the professional dental care that is required to maintain good oral health. That’s why Pleasure Dental offers sedation or sleep dentistry as a means of ensuring dental care is accessible to all patients, notwithstanding their fear of dentists and dental procedures.

What to Expect During Your Appointment

The first thing that will happen when you walk into our dental offices in Royse City is the consultation process. During the consultation, our dentist will thoroughly examine your mouth and determine the nature of the dental treatment that you require. Unless you have a deep-seated fear of dental appointments, the dentist may forego sedation for some straightforward procedures such as teeth whitening and fluoride treatments.

There are different types of sedation dentistry. You may receive your sedative orally or intravenously. General anesthesia is also an option in sedation dentistry. Our dentist will give you a breakdown of the process and the pros and cons of each option before allowing you to make an informed decision. Often, the type of sedation that you receive is determined by the complexity of the dental procedure at hand. If you suffer from extreme dental anxiety or have highly sensitive teeth and require a complicated dental procedure, as in the case of a root canal treatment, our dentist may choose to put you to sleep using general anesthesia.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Are you wondering whether sedation dentistry is worth the trouble? We think that it is—but don’t just take our word for it. Here are a few key benefits of opting for sedation dentistry for your next dental appointment:

  • Sedation is a safe and highly effective solution for anyone who experiences dental anxiety.
  • Sedation dentistry allows the dentist to cover more ground in a single visit, thus reducing your trips to the dentist.
  • Sedation allows special needs patients to undergo treatment without any incidences.
  • Patients often have little to no memory at all of the dental visit, which prevents PTSD especially if you’re prone to it.

At Pleasure Dental, we offer sedation dentistry to all our patients. The only caveat is that our dentist must first determine whether you’re healthy enough for sedation. Our dentist also requires that you bring someone to drive you home, as we’ll not allow you to get yourself home while you’re reeling from the effects of sedation.

Reach out to us if you wish to experience a relaxed and comfortable dental visit at Pleasure Dental.

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