The Ultimate Guide To Help You What To Eat And What To Avoid After Root Canal.

The Ultimate Guide To Help You What To Eat And What To Avoid After Root Canal.

Nov 01, 2022

The dentist near you performs root canal therapy to treat an infection that has spread to the deep parts of your tooth. Although this dental procedure is non-invasive, there are tips that the dentist provides you with to ensure a smooth recovery. One of the tips that the dentist will provide is foods to eat after root canal treatment.

On the other hand, there are foods that the dentist will tell you to avoid immediately after the treatment. Continue reading this piece to learn more about these tips.

What To Expect During Root Canal Therapy?

When you go for a root canal in Royse City, the dentist will have to take pictures of your affected tooth to determine the extent of the decay. Then, the x-ray will help them decide if root canal therapy is suitable. If root canal treatment is appropriate, there are steps taken during the procedure.

First, the dentist will administer local anesthesia to the affected tooth and surrounding tissues. The afflicted tooth is then covered with a little rubber dam to keep it dry and facilitate the dentist.

The dentist will drill a tiny hole in the crown to access the tooth’s pulp. Here, the dentist will use a specialized tool to remove the affected tissues, nerves, and blood vessels inside the tooth.

After removing all affected tissues, the oral surgeon will clean the pulp chamber and root canals. The surgeon will also shape and disinfect the treated area. Gutta-percha is then filled in the empty canals where the infected blood vessels and nerves are removed.

A temporary tooth filling can be utilized to protect the tooth from reinfection. In addition, the dentist might recommend a dental crown as it protects the tooth and restores its function.

Now that you know what to expect during the treatment, it is vital to know what to expect afterward.

What To Expect After Root Canal Therapy?

You should not experience immense pain after this procedure. However, if you experience throbbing pain once the anesthesia wears off, it would be best to visit Pleasure Dental as soon as possible.

Tooth sensitivity is normal after this procedure. Over-the-counter pain relievers are taken to manage the sensitivity. The sensitivity should wear off in about two weeks.

What To Drink and Eat After Root Canal Treatment?

Some foods can make your recovery journey easier. Foods to eat after root canal include:

  • Eggs
  • Fruits like pears, mangoes, and smoothies.
  • Soup
  • Milkshakes, ice cream, and yogurt.
  • Pudding
  • Noodles and pasta
  • Pancakes
  • Mashed cauliflower and potatoes.
  • Applesauce
  • Hummus
  • Cheese and macaroni

You might wonder why you should stick to these foods. The truth is that some of the foods listed above have the nutrients vital for quicker recovery and healthier bodies.

What To Avoid After Root Canal Treatment?

On the other hand, there are foods that dentist near you recommend people avoid immediately after root canal therapy.

This is because these foods can cause a lot of irritation and might interfere with the healing process.

The foods that you should avoid after a root canal include:

  • Hard foods like nuts or ice- It is essential you steer away from such as they can cause damage to the treated area leading to immense pain.
  • Crunchy foods like apples, carrots, or corn on the cob- these foods can cause damage to the treated site and lead to bleeding.
  • Spicy foods- these types of foods can irritate the wound, and this can cause increased discomfort for some time.
  • Excessively hot foods- consuming hot foods can irritate the wound, which can be painful.
  • Alcohol- this is a stimulant meaning it can lead to bleeding on the surgical site. Moreover, drinking alcohol after root canal therapy can slow the healing process. It is also vital to note that your body has been under anesthesia, so taking alcohol might make you feel drowsier.

A root canal is a non-invasive procedure. A non-invasive procedure implies that you should expect little to no pain once the anesthesia wears off. However, some foods can sabotage your recovery process. After getting a root canal, perhaps you know better what to eat and what not to. You’ll heal more quickly and have less discomfort if you eat the recommended foods.

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